Building Lasting Love: The Role Of Friendship in Dating || NeoDrafts

  • Author : Annie
  • Published : September 26, 2023

Building Lasting Love: The Role Of Friendship in Dating

Building Lasting Love: The Role Of Friendship in Dating

Movies have repeatedly shown how relationships should be–grand gestures, fiery love, dramatic I love yous. But are relationships just two happy people in love? Most people forget that behind the great grand gestures and the grandeur of a happy relationship lays a solid foundation–Friendship, trust, and loyalty. This article will delve deeper into why friendship should be the core of any relationship and the top 5 ways to help you strengthen your relationship by making your partner your best friend.

Understanding Friendship in Relationships

Remember, love is friendship. See Monica and Chandler from Friends–they are the best example of friendship being the core of a relationship. They started out as friends, sharing jokes and meals. Little did they know their friendship was a simmering pot of something more profound. When they finally took the leap, their bond became stronger than ever.

Friendship builds the underlying connection that a relationship needs. When you are friends with someone, you share common interests, enjoy spending time together, trust each other, and provide emotional support. You develop a strong bond with the person because you get to know them at a deeper level. 

Friendship goes beyond love and passion. Love is very important for any relationship, but when added to friendship, it multiplies. Because friendship is about being comfortable, vulnerable, and genuine with your partner. How does friendship actually help in a relationship?

Benefits of Friendship in a Relationship

#1. Builds Trust and Intimacy 

Friendship forms the basis for trust in romantic relationships. When two people share a strong friendship, they feel comfortable and secure with each other. This trust enables them to be open, share their deepest thoughts and feelings, and build emotional closeness. The honesty and openness of friendship create a stable foundation for a healthy and lasting romantic bond.

#2. Builds Compatibility 

In romantic relationships, friendship often includes sharing interests and hobbies. Participating in activities, like simply cooking pizzas in the kitchen together, builds a feeling of companionship and strengthens the bond between partners. When you and your partner enjoy each other’s company as friends, you establish a constructive dynamic that enhances your overall compatibility. 

#3. Better Communication

Being friends in a romantic relationship means that you can talk openly and honestly with each other. Friends are good at listening to each other, saying what they need or worry about, and being there to support and understand. When your romantic relationship is based on a solid friendship, it makes communication healthy. You both can talk freely and work through problems in a good way. This improves your communication, which further enhances your overall bond. 

#4. Better Supporters

When you are friends in a romantic relationship, you become each other’s biggest supporters. This means you are cheerleaders for one another, offering unwavering support, encouragement, and motivation. You celebrate each other’s successes, provide a shoulder to lean on during tough times, and show strength and comfort when needed. This builds your bond on a deeper level, and you appreciate their existence in your life more.

#5. Long term Stability

In your romantic journey, it is essential to recognize that friendship is crucial in creating lasting stability. While the initial flames of romantic passion may flicker and change over time, the strength of your friendship becomes the bedrock that keeps your relationship steady. Your enduring bond as friends acts as a constant force, providing a steadfast connection that can stand the test of time alongside you and your partner.

Since building a friendship with your partner is so important, we are here with the top 5 ways to make your partner your best friend.

Top 5 Ways to Make Your Partner Your Best Friend

#1. Accept them for who they are

Everyone wants to be accepted and loved for who they are. You will be someone’s best friend when they feel comfortable around you in being who they are. So, try to be the kind of partner you wish to have. Understanding and accepting spreads positivity and makes it more likely that both of you will become best friends. It is important to accept yourself first before you can do the same for your partner. As it is said in popular culture, to love unconditionally, learn to accept your partner unconditionally. 

#2. Agree to Disagree

Who doesn’t have different opinions? It is not possible that you both will agree on something all the time–be it some football player or any political view. It is okay to have different opinions and talk about them kindly. If you don’t like what your partner says, they might feel it, and your relationship might suffer. But you can still respect their ideas, even if you disagree. Their thoughts matter as much as yours. Listening, being polite, and appreciating their viewpoint can make your friendship stronger and more meaningful.

#3. Replace Criticism with Requests

Instead of being harsh when you don’t like something your partner does, try asking them politely. For example, if they do something that annoys you (like chewing gum loudly), tell them it bothers you, even though they are not doing anything wrong. Ask them kindly to be mindful of it. You can also say that if any of your habits bother them, they can tell you, and you will try your best to change or stop doing them.

#4. Give Them Space

Respecting your partner’s independence strengthens your relationship and allows both of you to grow as individuals. It is about finding a healthy balance between togetherness and personal space. Even though you may feel that you need to be close to them all the time, you need to understand that they have their own life and should be able to do it in addition to loving you. The balance fosters mutual respect and a deeper appreciation for the time you both share, making your connection even more meaningful and fulfilling.

#5. Laugh Together!

What friends don’t laugh at the silliest of things together? Spending time laughing together is a beautiful way to make your connection stronger. Seek out chances to share laughter in different ways. Maybe share a funny story, a good joke, or enjoy their company. These moments of laughter can bring you even closer. So, make sure to find moments to giggle, chuckle, and have those deep, hearty laughs together. It adds more joy to your relationship!


In conclusion, while movies often portray relationships as grand and passionate, it is essential to recognize that the core of any lasting relationship is built on the rock-solid foundation of friendship. Like Monica and Chandler from “Friends,” who started as friends and deepened their bond, true friendship forms the basis for trust, intimacy, compatibility, and effective communication. It goes beyond love, adding depth and stability to the relationship. By accepting each other, respecting differing opinions, replacing criticism with polite requests, giving space, and sharing laughter, you can build a bond of friendship and make your partner your best friend. This strengthens your bond and ensures long-term stability in your romantic journey.


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