Find the Best College Including Grant

How To Find and Secure Scholarships Smartly || Neodrafts

  • Author : Victor
  • Published : August 04, 2020

How To Find and Secure Scholarships Smartly

How To Find and Secure Scholarships. College grants are needed when you are short on funds to do your degree program. They are a great way to help those who need them. Sometimes, it’s just grants that you get, or it may be hybrid funding that you may get, i.e. a mix of grant and federal loans. Scholarships and grants are a great way of financial aid for adults. It helps them reduce the financial burden while smoothly securing their education.

Taking a loan from a bank or financial services provider can become a burden later after you graduate. You may end up paying back the mortgage with interest for many years beginning from the time when you start working. Some people end up paying back their student loans over their entire career.

College grants are actually a huge relief when you are short on funds. The amount of grant you get would depend on the grant whether it’s federal, state, etc. Also, the conditions of the grant applicant matter a lot. Just that you need to apply for the right grant well in time.

Secure Scholarships & Grants

Grants are classified into two broad categories, i.e. need-based and merit-based. Need-based grants take many factors into account, such as your income, your parents’ income (at your bachelors’ level), your family size, your family assets.

Whereas, the merit-based grant is based on academic merits which also has a need factor in it. Most federal merit-based grants are given to those already receiving a need-based grant.

The most popular need-based federal grant in the United States is the Pell grant, for which you have to apply by filling in FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) within the deadline. The earlier, the better. Of course, there are other University scholarships and financial aids available.

FESOG (Federal Educational Supplementary Opportunity Grant) is available as a supplementary grant for those students who are very much financially challenged. It supplements the existing grant given to a student.

Merit-based grants include ACG (Academic Competitiveness Grant), and National SMART Grant is awarded to those students who are recipients of the Pell grant. Students who undertake specific rigorous programs in STEM fields and are academically very good are eligible for the same.

Other federal grants come in the form of service for grants structure. Students who study programs in high-demand sectors such as teaching, nursing, etc. can get this grant, provided they serve in an underserved area for a fixed number of years post-graduation.

Jake Found It Easy to Find and Secure Scholarships

Jake had dreamt of being a civil engineer and help find eco-friendly solutions for the construction industry from his school days. The only block was that he was short of funding to study at a premier college in the United States. His parents would pitch as much as they could afford. But that would still fall short of the tuition fee requirements at premier colleges.

Jack’s friend Amy told him about College Grant. College Grant helps students find a college of their liking along with their scholarship or grant facilities. Amy had used their services to apply for College and grants.

Jack visited the website of College Grant and filled up the questionnaire. Based on his details, they recommended a few colleges which could give him grants. Based on their suggestions, he was able to apply easily to colleges that offered grants. So, you too can read this article on How To Find and Secure Scholarships and start your search today.

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