Donald Trump Floats Idea To Delay Elections

Donald Trump Floats Idea To Delay Elections || NeoDrafts

  • Author : Jasmine
  • Published : August 05, 2020

Donald Trump Floats Idea To Delay Elections

The 2020 United States presidential election will be held on November, 3 Tuesday. This year will mark the 59th quadrennial presidential elections. However, with this pandemic, President Donald Trump has hinted that voting in the United States might get delayed this year. President Trump claimed that the idea of mail-in voting is inexact and fraudulent. 

Trump’s tweet said that with mail-in voting, the election’s result would be inaccurate and fraudulent in history. It will be an embarrassment for the US. In addition to this, he wrote that delaying the elections until conditions are safe and secure for people to vote.

Mail-in voting is a system where ballots are sent to the electors they fill and send it back by post. In other words, it is postal voting.

About his statement on delaying the elections, he backed off saying that he wants the elections to be conducted but fears the ballots may get mislaid, and this election would mean nothing.

Although, President Trump’s suggestion for delaying elections did not get approval by both the Democrats as well as the Republicans.

An international news outlet quoted Senator McConnell,” Never in the history of this country, depression, through wars and the Civil War have we had the federal elections on time. We will find a way to do that again on November 3.

Besides McConnell, Senator Lindsay Graham, one of Trump’s closest allies, thinks that delaying the elections is not a good idea.

However, President Donald Trump has been against the mail-in voting system in the past as well. He said that mail-in voting is “substantially fraudulent.”

Does Trump has authority reschedule or cancel the US presidential elections?,

Several president critics suggested that President Trump is trying to distract the nation from dire news related to the US economy. They also mentioned that Trump posted that tweet minutes after the Commerce Department announced gross domestic products(GDP), a bid measure of services and goods produced, dropped 9.5 per cent during the three months ending June 30, 2020.

Although President Trump has no authority to reschedule or cancel the US presidential elections, set by the federal law, only the US Congress has the power to make any amendments to the date of the votes.

An international news outlet spoke regarding the President’s idea of delaying the elections. They said that it is the flagrant and fragrant expression of his current weakness.

They added that any healthy person wouldn’t suggest something like this. Either Trump is making some tactical error by conveying his weak position in polls and his soft spot for re-election.

However, it is still unclear how dangerous President Trump is about delaying the elections. He often backs off his statements about getting dominated on cable news cycles.

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