Online Personal Loans: No Bank Visits, No Waiting

Online Personal Loans: No Bank Visits, No Waiting || NeoDrafts

  • Author : Jasmine
  • Published : July 28, 2020

Online Personal Loans: No Bank Visits, No Waiting

Even though work stops, expenses run on— a very popular adage says it all. Sometimes, it is not feasible to fulfil all the financial requirements on a fixed month’s salary and even long term savings. But eureka! online Personal loans can now meet the best solution to all your urgent financial needs which cannot be categorized into broadly made channels of loans by banks. You can avail a personal loan irrespective of your need—and that makes it more practical and fetchable.

Whether you need funds to travel or plan a vacation or for more severe issues like debt consolidation and medical needs, you can avail of a personal loan. So it wouldn’t be wrong to call it a multipurpose loan, as it can be availed for any financial requirement. The high-interest rates and credit ratings make it sometimes less fetchable.

What do you need to know about personal loans?

There are a lot of things you need to know before applying for a personal loan be it the interest rates, the right bank to apply, procedure, and a lot more. Here we have listed some must-know facts about personal loans:

  • Fixed repayment period: The lender and the borrower mutually decide the repayment period, before the processing of the application starts. Depending on the rate of interest, the tenure will vary along with the length of the period of repayment.
  • The process might seem complicated: You can avail of your required amount through personal loans, but it depends mostly on your income and creditworthiness. If you have maintained an excellent credit rating and your income is high enough to pay the EMI’s, you can easily avail the loan for things that require extra funds.
  • Fixed interest rates: As there is an assurance of no unexpected hike on the rates, a fixed interest rate can be advantageous. The budgeting will be more relaxed, and you can manage your finances better. The interest rate will depend mainly on the bank you prefer to apply for a loan.
  • Personal loans are unsecured: To avail a personal loan, you do not need to pledge collateral as it is unsecured. But, unsecured loans can come with really high rates of interest as you are not guaranteeing security.

All these factors should be considered before deciding on a bank, an online platform, or a Credit Union before applying for a loan. One such online platform is Swift1K which provides a loan in a hassle freeway.

Register with Swift1K and avail up to $1500 emergency fund.

Applying for a loan online comes with a lot of perks—no need to stand in long queues for hours and fill lengthy applications. The application process is easy as pie with Swift1K. Follow the given steps to get registered:

  • Click on; you will be redirected to the registration page.
  • Enter the following details:
  1. Loan Amount
  2. Email Address
  3. Zip Code

After filling the above details, click on get started.

  • Select the purpose of the loan, enter the credit score.
  • After that, you need to enter your first legal name, last legal name, date of birth, last four digits of SSN, and phone number.
  • Click the next step and upload all the asked documents.
  • Click on submit, and to process your application and approval.

Your application will be sent for review, and as soon as the loan is approved, you will be contacted by the lenders. It is as easy as that! So, do click here to fund all your dreams.

For more information, kindly visit our official website –

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